Health tips of the month

Our basic advice on your diet and other small gestures that can help you ease your recovery


Did you know that regardless of our age, not taking proper care of our joints may cause a problem later!? Yup! It’s a fact of life that we’ve got many joints, and that they’re all very important. Actually, there are over 350 joints in the human body. And we shouldn’t wait until we’re older to take care of them: lifelong care is essential.

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It’s no secret that all women want to look beautiful when they see themselves in the mirror. Some mornings may be more difficult than others, but there are also those blissful mornings when everything feels right, and our face looks radiant, just like that… Isn’t that a perfect start to the day?
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March… we either like it or we don’t. It depends a lot on the weather and the temperature… If I recall correctly, March 2017 gave us snow and freezing temperatures, nothing to boost our love for that month. But let’s stay positive here! We’re already starting to feel the sun’s warm rays, which lifts our spirits with the promise of more to come. Now that’s priceless.

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February… The month of love, the month of the heart! When we think of February, it’s quite simple: we want to put our relationship first. It’s a month when we realize how lucky we are to love and be loved by an amazing person. For many, it’s an extra opportunity to give gifts and attention to that special someone.
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Menopause is not a disease in itself, but it is accompanied by bothersome and embarrassing symptoms for many women. Menopause is triggered by the significant decrease in the body’s natural production of estrogen. The main symptom remains hot flashes, a sudden sensation of heat initiating from the chest and going up towards the face.
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Tips and tricks to improve your sleep quality

December is here! It’s time to prepare ourselves for the final sprint before the end of the year.  We want to be ready for the holidays, but must finish some important projects at work. We have to think about a million things at a time, but don’t have enough time to achieve everything. 
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Being overweight is associated with an increase in the risk of cardiovascular disease and its complications. At this stage, the body mass index (BMI) varies between 25 and 29.9. Obesity defines the more advanced stage where complications can be more severe. The BMI is then above 30. In both cases, a weight loss to regain a healthy body weight is desirable to remain healthy in the long term.

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Lactose Intolerance
L’intolérance au lactose survient chez les personnes dont l’intestin manque de l’enzyme capable de métaboliser le lactose, un sucre naturel du lait. Selon la quantité d’enzymes présentes, les symptômes seront plus ou moins sévères. Toute personne aura donc un seuil de tolérance au lactose, en dessous duquel elle peut consommer du lactose sans ressentir les ballonnements, les gaz et les distensions abdominales causées par le surplus de lactose non digéré.
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Joint pain: how to prevent it
Joint pain is often caused by osteoarthritis, progressive joint wear or rheumatoid arthritis, immune damage to the joints (in these cases, see the corresponding sheets for more specific recommendations).
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Sleep Problems: How to Overcome Insomnia

Insomnia is a lack of sleep due to either difficulty getting asleep or difficulty remaining asleep. Insomnia is often a symptom of another health condition, such as anxiety, depression, restless legs syndrome, snoring, etc. If in general a few sleepless nights are not a major problem, when this becomes chronic, daytime fatigue, irritability and sensitivity to minor annoyances set in and decrease the quality of life.
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Water Retention

Water retention means that water accumulates in the body, which causes a swelling of some body parts, such as the belly, the ankles or the feet. Water retention can be caused by or can cause high blood pressure. A lack of fluid intake in the diet can lead to water retention by the body, in an attempt to avoid dehydration.
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Osteoporosis describes a loss of bone mass, especially of calcium, which solidifies the bone structure. When bones have sufficiently deteriorated, we speak of osteoporosis. Fragile bones are more prone to fractures. The loss of bone mass occurs gradually without any apparent symptom.

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Alzheimer’s disease is a loss of memory observed mainly in older people. The disease has a progressive nature and will begin with small distractions, forgetting small things and disorientation (one forgets how to get home, for example).


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A poor blood circulation may have a variety of symptoms depending on the location where blood cannot flow normally. At the level of the brain, a poor blood circulation may lead to memory problems, while at the level of the legs, swelling and a sensation of heaviness can be felt. Raynaud’s disease, characterized by a poor blood circulation in the extremities (hands and feet), translates into cold and blue limbs.
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Chronic venous insufficiency defines incapacity of the veins to return their blood to the heart due tot a lack of tonus. In most cases, venous insufficiency occurs in the legs because these veins must work against gravity to return the blood upward towards the heart. 

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Le rhume est une infection bénigne des voies respiratoires causées par une vaste gamme de virus. Les symptômes sont surtout localisés dans les voies respiratoires comme le mal de gorge, l’écoulement ou la congestion nasale, la toux, mais parfois aussi des maux de tête et une légère fièvre. Les symptômes s’estompent généralement d’eux-mêmes en une dizaine de jours.
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Muscle stiffness can occur when the muscle has been uncommonly used, more intensely than usual. This stiffness and pain, called soreness, vanish with time, at the same pace as muscles recover from the effort.

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Celiac disease is the intolerance to gluten, a small protein found in many cereals. The immune system abnormally overreacts to gluten, which causes an inflammation of the intestinal wall. Once inflamed, the intestine’s nutrient absorption capacity is affected, which can lead to malnutrition despite a proper diet. 
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